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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

 Burnout 3: Takedown

I didn't know I can have fun by crashing a car in a traffic jam and cause a congestion all over the rush hour! Talking about fun shit, I literally have to cause accidents, crash, fires, and various other unwanted scenario if I want to win a course over Burnout 3, a new Playstation 2 game that has been raving lots of review. Gamespot actually give it a 9.5 of 10!

Anyway the game has a standard racing but there's a catch. Unless you play dirty, you're bound to have less points to get gold medals. So, you might want to drive your opponent over the edge, tailgating him, psyched him out (yes, by causing the crash near the opponent can cause the driver to panic and drive offcourse!), near miss & etc, you'll earn booster which will cause your 'NOS'1 to build up to catch up those other drivers if you fall back too far from the game.

However, the main highlight of the game is to crash and cause damage to the surrounding environment! Trust me, I never know a game that by causing crashing is fun! Since I've played like 20 over courses, I can really put a thumbs up in this game. Ladies, trust me on this, if your boyfriend complains about your driving, this is where you'll proof to him that by driving your style, you can kick his ass in this game!

1 NOS stands for Nitrous Oxide System Inc, a company that sells car engine boosting equipment for drag racing. However, there are no NOS in this game. I'm using the term as there are no other terms used for this type of car boosting equipment.


At 1:00 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

Vvrrrrooooommm... psssst! vrrrooooom!!

man i love the sound of that! lol! 

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Yes, not only that, show off your driving skill to your boyfriend. And have him go against you head to head... let's see how his years of fancy driving is going to save his butt in this game... 

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