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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

 The Accident

How would you feel if you have witness an accident that happen just to be in front of your eyes?
I couldn't stop, so I swerved to the right
I'll never forget the sound that night
The screamin tires, the bustin glass
The painful scream that I heard last
Yes yes, Pearl Jam's Last Kiss has a profound experience for me but it wasn't like that.

You see as I was driving, there was an old bicycle was moving on the left side on the road. A motorbike on the right suddenly cuts it and didn't realize the bicycle was on the way. They knocked and crashed on the road. For the first time I saw a motorbike flies as it twisted in the air like an acrobatic somersault. The only time I saw this was in the movies!

Realizing that the accident took only 2 meters from my car, and all of us are going like 60km/h (the bicycle was already on the scene when my car and the motorbike are approaching), I turn hard to the right. Car tire burned while I safely maneuvered from the accident scene. See, I didn't even stop to watch. If it were to up some Ah Bengs driving, they would have probably stopped to get the number plate of the motorbike.

As I left the scene, I saw the motorbike and bicycle rider got up to look around. Well, nobody's hurt that badly after all. And the whole commotion caused another traffic jam where uneducated bastards need to stop to watch the whole scene.


At 2:35 PM, Blogger zgirl said...

Usually when the car in front slow down to look at an accident, I will be glad to honk at them. They are not helping by slowing down, instead they are causing traffic jam miles back. 

At 8:01 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

These people should be punished by placing a tactical nuclear warhead up on their asses! 

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