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Saturday, September 11, 2004

 Carlito's Way

Just saw Carlito's Way directed by Brian De Palma before his more recent lousy movies...

The movie was just great, showing off Al Pacino's redemption to start afresh in the world of mafia. The show was great in terms it shows the connection of all the characters that makes the show much more interesting. Carlito's love life, his past, present all merge up to one single spectacular event that really keep the plot so interesting. Anyone that have watched Godfather will enjoy this one movie.

I never realized that it was good. I watched this show from what John Travolta's character Gabriel Shear said in the movie Swordfish commented about Al Pacino. Surprisingly this show didn't disappoint me at all. However, the rest of my family didn't agree much with me on the show.


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