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Thursday, September 16, 2004

 Desperate Ones

Another stupid customer case...

Me: "Thank you for calling Technical Support..."
Customer: "I got a scanner here and it is spoilt."
Me: "Er, okay, may I know which unit you've purchased it with?"
Customer: "It's a desktop."
Me: "Oh okay, perhaps you can check with the..."
Customer: "Look, it's my Genius scanner that's facing the problem, not the desktop!"
Me: "Ma'am, you've dialled to the notebook, PDA & Projector support..."
Customer: "Can't you even help me?"
Me: "I would but I'm not trained with the specific product..."
Customer: "Can't you find the website for me?"
Me: "Eh?"
Customer: "You guys are supposed to know the website to get the contact number or something..."

Now this is totally bullshit. She is aware that we can get the contact number from the website and yet this stupid customer still want to call over to the technical support, push the wrong option and asked us to do a simple task for her. I'm not going to play nice for this type of customers. Since they are not going to use Google, I think it's fair for me to educate them to use a search engine.

Me: "Ma'am, I'm not sure of the website's location. Do you have the address?"
Customer: "If I have the address, do you think I call you?"
Me: "Er, considering yes, if you do dial to the correct option..."

The customer got frustrated and slammed the phone. Another victory for the Technical Support agent to wade the stupidity off from the customer. What's the point of having a scanner with a manual if she's not even going to reach for the correct number? Just because she's purchased a unit from our company doesn't mean we can fully support her. Well, I don't expect these type of customers to understand, considering their stupidity is party responsible for their action.


At 9:13 AM, Blogger Jenn said...

aih.. yet another reason why i cannot work in TS. i just can't stand morons.. :P 

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