My words are my thoughts and I'm a pessimist person who just thinks that Murphy's Law is what defines me. I believe that anything bad that has ever happened will continue to do so. So, if anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway...


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Monday, December 13, 2004

 Flak Anti-Air Guns All Ready!

How would you feel when you come into the office, logged on to find that are numerous calls that has nothing to do with you? The only option that you can think of is that the caller is stupid, retarded & brain damaged that they don't seem to get it when you told them they've dialed the wrong number? What about them shouting, ranting, begging & pleading when they are clueless that they got the wrong guy to listen?

So here am I getting all this shit in the morning. I guess Sales must have made an impact last week and they've been selling to lots of products to customers, which only befits because there are so many desperate that cannot live another day without calling in to our Toll Free line. Imagine to my surprise that one of them called when the idiot purchased a desktop and shipped it to his son in UK.

Another idiot went to purchase our PDA in Singapore because it's not available in Malaysia. So, when there is a replacement, he has to send it back to Singapore for replacement. This idiot actually ranted why we don't have the parts in Malaysia. Hey, that's why we're not selling them in Malaysia at the first place...

So imagine I shot down about 15 customers on the first hour... that would make them call in averagely 4 minutes. Imagine that! Every 4 minutes, an idiot will call in to the wrong option.


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