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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

 IT Monkeys Screwing Up Again

This afternoon, a long time colleague over the server team came over to my place feeling a little sad. He said he was given a warning letter from the IT due to negligence of his desktop that has caused a virus spread from his computer. The thing is that he patch-up the system as told and even update the anti-virus regularly. This is totally bullshit.

Like what I said previously before, these IT monkeys has no better things to do than to blame it on someone else if there is a problem. They have forgotten that they are IT professional that should resolve the problem within the network, not go pointing fingers all around for the job that they cannot complete.

I've helped him out by updating a friend in the IT department about this. A pity of him too cause he was just a lower-ranking technician to send to do a job. It was his boss, a network engineer with Computer Science credential, to actually secure the whole network security. But guess who sits on a desk, finding virus and just escalate to the upper management over their own inability to do work?

Aside from that, I've been tired for our IT helpdesk's attitude. They refuse to admit their own fault and even place another friend's Linux machine as a hazard to our workplace JUST because their server are not stable enough and crashed frequently. He was given a warning letter just because he put in a Linux with Samba server on. Samba is a Windows file sharing system for Linux operating system and they have a function call Master Control which acts as a main router. One of our old senior KT, went in to the meeting room for this particular case, fired up all the IT monkeys and then left. However, our upper management drones are so short-sighted that they want this case to close as soon as possible, so they opt to get one of our guys to take the fall.

I'm have to stop complaining. Anymore will give me grieve and bad mood the next morning.


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