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Monday, August 23, 2004

 Project Three Reupdated

Found that our head project in Sydney has reinitiated from Project Three and we're supposed to finish localizing today. Actually the code was released last Friday but I was simply too exhausted to update it. However when I got the chance to see the code, they wanted to go live by today!

I managed to set up the server and watch it go. The page initially faced some issue as it cannot negotiate a pathway to our Sydney office. However by 1pm, everything was fixed. *phew!*

Right now the head programmer in Australia just released a guide for the people from other region to speed up the localization process. At least I managed to localize it in time, if not my butt is on flame from the localization officer... Anyways I've finished my job and I let the management drone do their's. There are a few bad codes from there and then but nothing too serious. A quick look at the code and the line number fixes the problem nearly immediately...


At 7:01 PM, Blogger zgirl said...

Sigh. I was on sick leave last friday and today, I was told I must make sure the training database is loaded with the setup file. I don't even have the files with me and this is my very first time doing this implementation work. They thought as if I can create miracle. 

At 10:26 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

You should have read my blog about the Project Three and how the manager promised the India Team something that he cannot deliver. He asked me for help and I eventually tried my best to help him. Well, even I cannot raise the Titanic. I let it sink and let the manager burn for his mistake. 

At 10:48 PM, Blogger zgirl said...

I am afraid I will be the one who kena burn at the end. 

At 11:14 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Well, thread carefully. Bottleneck all the process so that everything will eventually go through you. After that my dear, that's where you'll tap your unlimited resources to do all the evil upon the world... :) 

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