My words are my thoughts and I'm a pessimist person who just thinks that Murphy's Law is what defines me. I believe that anything bad that has ever happened will continue to do so. So, if anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway...


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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

 All The Troubles In The World

Just went through Isaac Asimov's All The Troubles In The World. The story details a super computer, Multivac was built to help humankind to protect itself and help to progress mankind. All citizen are taken into adulthood once they're 18 and they went through a small ceremony where data of their thoughts are fed into Multivac. The Multivac will then monitor and calculate all 4 billions people in the world simultaneously and put in the report of things to come, like curing an increasing disease, provide information for the economy & down to solving of individual issue, like what's your neighbour is doing, and such.

Another greatest function of Multivac is to predict crime. Yes, much like Philip K. Dick's Minority report, Multivac will evaluate human conditions and thus make accurate statement of things to come.

The story centralized on a first degree murder on the citizen. The police or called the Correction Officer tried to hunt down a suspected killer. It was great trying to see the percentage of the murder goes up and down according to the performance of the Correction Officers and how they are trying to outwit the suspected future-murderer. The ending, ends with one spectacular finale where it totally shocks me down to the core and it totally comes unexpected.


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