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Wednesday, September 08, 2004

 Another Idiot

Whoa, just got off from the phone. Another idiots on the phone really reduce my lifespan now, considering how stupid this case goes...

1. Customer having a projector
2. Two notebooks cannot show display
3. One notebook can display

Me: "Thank you for calling Technical Support. How can I help you?"
Customer: "I'm calling for a projector problem."
Me: "Okay can I have the tag?"
Customer: "I don't have the tag. Now I got three notebooks, one is able to display and the two can't."
Me: "Hmm, sounds like a notebook configuration. Can you check the configuration?"
Customer: "No, the notebook is not with me. All three belonged to my boss."
Me: "Er, okay, but I think it's the configuration iss..."
Customer: "No, you don't understand me. Previously it is fine, now it's facing this problem."

Now this is a typical problem that has been plaguing all of our customer. Previously found no problem, but all of a sudden, the problem surfaced.

Me: "In that case, we need to look over the configuration..."
Customer: "I said it's your projector problem. You need to send your men over!"
Me: "Er, but we do not have engineer for projector. We can dispatch a replacement..."
Customer: "What? You don't have engineer! Hah, in that case I'm going to call my friend not to buy product from your company anymore! I'll complain to my manager about you."

Fine. Do what you want you stupid bitch. Already you're too shallow to understand our level of support and you want to keep argue all your know about your petty little problem.

Me: "Well, what about your IT, perhaps I can talk them through the troubleshoot..."
Customer: "We don't have IT department here!"

And the phone slammed. Another one stupid customer trying to justify her existance because she was unable to understand anything higher than her own self. She let go her frustration just because her IQ wasn't high enough to determine what's right and what's wrong.


At 9:05 AM, Blogger zgirl said...

I received a call from a client about her desktop cannot boot up. I gave her the toll-free number to call but I think she did not. Then her manager called up and my colleague have to go over. What he found out was, the room where the computer is, is wet - because of the rain. And the computer is wet too!
I sometimes don't understand who is more stupid, the manager or that girl who called up earlier. And the manager still dare to boast about her experience in IT. A fool is smart enough to know, computer don't go together with water. 

At 8:29 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

This type of genetic defect should be strapped to a pole while pouring igniting napalm into her throat. 

At 9:14 AM, Blogger zgirl said...

I sometimes wonder what has my company become. A user called yesterday evening. She wants something but she doesn't know how to put it in words. When she managed to put in words, I asked her how'd come she is not referring it to her colleague. She wanted me to guide her to do some stuff.
Her colleagues have been doing this all the while, so how'd come she have to come to me. Client call us up if there's problem with the software but she is calling because her colleague doesn't want to teach her.
So, is that my problem?
What make me angry is, when I start guiding her, she doesn't know the term that I was using.The software has been there for a year and yet, she don't understand what I'm talking about.
The client that has been giving us problem is the same client. They don't have an IT staff and is treating us as theirs. Not that we are being paid extra for all those hassle. 

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