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Monday, September 06, 2004

 The Coffee

It's amazing what a cup of coffee can do.

There I was, just finishing my lunch, pull up to my office and begin the next half of the working day. Halfway talking to the customer, I felt light headed. I tried to recall what I have eaten but realized it was only rice and prawns. It shouldn't be a problem since I rarely sleep on the afternoon. What the heck is going on? The vision turns to blur, the back to normal focus again. In and out. Then the unexpected happened, my vision turned to black & white. People's voices begin to sound like an echo and the room is spinning all around me.

No shit.

This is bad indeed. I still have my consciousness but the problem continue to pound on my head. I rose from my chair, staggered slowly to the pantry. Some other employees were staring on the condition I'm in. I just don't care. I arrived at the pantry, dropped my hand on the machine and start inserting the coin.

It felt like an eternity before the cup was dispensed. I took the cup, take the nearest seat and begin sipping the coffee. After for about like 5-10 minutes, everything returned to normal and I finished the coffee. My vision cleared, everything in the room turned to normal as before. As I walk down the lane and returned to my seat, it felt great again.

It's truly amazing what a cup of coffee can do.


At 3:48 PM, Blogger KEF said...

Are you a caffeien addict? 

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Nope, I'm not a caffeine addict. However, I do like to drink coffee from time to time but however today's episode really surprised me. 

At 7:37 PM, Blogger Sheue Yng said...

I'm a coffee addict.
but trust me.. coffee doesnt really work any wonders on me anymore. i'm addicted and i'm 'used' to it.. 

At 10:16 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

mate... u have a serious problem here....
maybe you can start drinking white coffee for a change... 

At 4:43 AM, Blogger KEF said...

Alright, white coffee :) How about tea? Try drinking tea?

Shue Yng, I used to drink Nescafe in my freshman year, but got really sick of it, smelling Nescafe makes me puke now :P I have no idea how I tore that habit, it could be the variety of teas what kept me occupied. Try that? 

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Jaselee said...

The caffeine effect will stop once your body adapted to it. That's why I rarely have coffee these days, only on desperate situation that I'll go for a cup. With 60 cent a cup, it's a cut-throat vending machine! 

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