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Sunday, September 05, 2004

 I've Got No Time To Bleed

Alien Versus Predator, also known as AvP was released on worldwide theaters everywhere. And that was one and a half week ago. I only manage to catch the show yesterday with a friend. After watching the show, I was quite impressed with the continuation of the Alien & Predator since it was release on comics & video games but somehow the show lacked of a solid background. It totally disregards what has been shown on the past series. Perhaps the producer would like to market the show for the mainstream unlike for a die-hard fans such as yours truly. Here are some discrepancies:

  • They said the Predator comes back every 100 years to Earth to do battle. If that is the case, what are those Predators doing when Arnie & Danny Glover busted their ass in the first two movies?
  • How come there are weapon stowed on the chamber when the last predator on the previous battle will be taking the weapons with them? Or what happens if the predator initiated the self-destruct sequence? (See 5)
  • How come the rocks of the temple are still solid even though there are countless battles in the past?
  • There was a scene where the Predator has fallen and he initated the destructive sequence, how come, the temple still stays there although the blast is quite effective as a thermonuclear blast? (see Predator for reference)
  • How come, of all the things, the Alien Queen can withstand a thermonuclear blast, and them climb through a 2000 feet of fallen land & rubble? But she cannot acid the stupid chain when she was fighting the human/Predator duo?
  • The predalien at the last scene, it will have no match against all the Predators on the ship. Then why bother showing? A real fan will realize this will never work but it continues to give hope that director Paul W. S Anderson would perhaps fix all these error, IF there is a next installment.

Basically that's the thing which makes AvP a non-classic. For fans who have saw Aliens 1-4 and Predator 1-2, forget the movie. However if you have the need to watch the movie, put down your expectation to the lowest level. For people who don't have any idea what's Alien or Predator, watch it at your own discretion. I have no advice on this.


At 9:07 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

lu ada itu Predator punya movie ar?? pinjam buleh ar?? :D 

At 10:10 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Sorry lar, I don't have the movie in DVD. As for my VCD collection, not sure where my bro displaced it. For Aliens, you always can purchase the Alien Quadrilogy collection... 

At 5:03 PM, Blogger purple girl said...

I belongs to the rare species of ppl who never watched Alien or Predator before. My frens were beginning to wonder if I belong to this planet at all...:P Yup, I watched the movie already. Had a real good laugh after that, it is more amusing in a comedy way rather than suppose to be action movie. I almost choked with laughter when the Alien decides to team-up with the only lady survivor left! Agree with u, ppl who wanna watch have to lower their expectation to the minimum. 

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