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Friday, September 03, 2004

 Happy Tree Friends

Once upon a time, I was so bored at my chair that I stood up and asked Jobe for some fun website to see. He was looking at his screen laughing before he look up to me. Then he introduced me to Happy Tree Friends. And that's where the carnage starts.

I viewed the clips. The first one that I saw was Eye Candy and it surprised me beyond my imagination. There it is, a cartoon filled with happy-happy 'cartoony' characters that will always encounter violence that will result the end of their lives. And somehow, I loved watching them. I would imagine all these action has taken into the customer's shoe as they encounter their gruesome death.

And not only their deaths are fun, but it's filled with violence that you have never thought of. With the encounter of some character like Flippy, the scene could be quite bloody. Certainly not recomended for children or people with fear or violence. For Technical Support agents (Fuminari, Anand, Jobe, etc) that were constantly abused by the customer, it seems that the show actually entertain us rather than gross us out. After those revolting scene we showed to the Customer Service, most of the girls are not intimidated at all! Our guess is due to the customer abuse. After we found our Holy Grail, we all lived happily ever after...


At 6:07 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Watch the cartoon man after you get a heavy scolding. Then you won't call them an eighteen nerds any longer... 

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