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Friday, September 17, 2004

 The Gollum Customer...

Me: "Thank you for calling Technical Support..."
Customer: "I have this notebook... " (in point which he does that stupid Asian-trying-to-speak-like-American/Australian/British accent)
Me: "Can I have the serial number?"
Customer: "xxxxxxx"
Me: "Er, that doesn't seem like a our standard serial number."
Customer: "It is! It is too!" (this time he's shouting like a kid)
Me: "Okay, in that case we have a secondary code, which we call the express code, do you have them?"
Customer: "I don't have the notebook with me!" (now sounded like crying)

Now this is what I hate the most. Customer is having a notebook and notebooks are supposed to be portable. What is the point of getting a notebook if you're not going to have it in front of you when calling the technical support? Sometimes I really wonder what goes through their thoughts at that very moment.

Me: "Alright, in that case perhaps we can have the additional serial number first before we proceed?"
Customer: "Why can't you help me?" (now sounded like American/Australian/British accent again...)
Me: "Well, we would like to try to resolve this in one issue. If you have the computer in front of you and together we can do this troubleshooting. That way, we can immediately pin-point the issue and we can resolve them as soon as possible."

Somehow I think that explanation didn't convince him.

Customer: "I purchase your notebook!" (now sounded like a kid)
Me: "Yes sir, I understand, but it wouldn't be appropriate if you only tell me the problem and we cannot try the solution immediately? And moreover, without tag, you might have to explain to the next agent all over again of our troubleshooting step. The easiest way to do this is to have the notebook in front of you."

I still think he still cannot get it through his less compact neuro-pathways. Finally the customer give up and will get the notebook first before start to troubleshoot with us. *sigh* Already our phone advice customer to have the system in front of them first before pushing the appropriate option. Well, with his accent, I don't think he even understand what the voice message instruction is talking about.


At 7:36 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

also suddenly sounding 2 kind of sounds at the same time...
voice 1 : let's kill 'em
voice 2 : no no... they are my friends!!
voice 1 : friends ? you have no friends!!
voice 2 : i have now, precioussss....


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