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Thursday, August 19, 2004

 Stupid Morning Traffic

I begin to realize that Penang drivers actually not real men after all. Upon seeing the rain, most of them LOWERED THEIR SPEED! I understand the concern for safety IF the journey is a winding road. Problem is the bridge is a STRAIGHT ROAD! The Coastal Highway is also a STRAIGHT ROAD! I mean look at the logic, you don't loose control over a straight road at high speed! And you know what? These wussie male drivers are practically crawling on the street. I felt compelled to walk out of my car, smack them at their head if they're driving anything less than 10km/h.

And not only that, after coming down from the bridge, throughout the Coastal Highway, these idiots pratically slowed down to watch an accident. Imagine the drivers behind them are cursing and swear and the idiot in front took his own sweet time watching the scene.

If possible, I hope there'd be a law for police to hold a radar gun in the scene of the accident. If you drive anything less than 60km/h, you'd be fined immediately and by tomorrow you'll be getting a Seri Paduka Baginda mail to report yourself to the nearest police station.

And you know what, there's a funnier scene. I can see this Nissan Terrano guy actually take the right opening because he don't want his 4X4 going though a pool of water. What I did was I drove in the pool at high speed, look at him at the same time while the water jumps up splashing on his window. And he got pissed. What does he get pissed about, considering a small Proton Satria is able to do a job that a 4X4 is unable to do. I'd say it's not about the car, it's the attitude of the sissy attitude of the driver. I drove off and the victory is mine.


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