My words are my thoughts and I'm a pessimist person who just thinks that Murphy's Law is what defines me. I believe that anything bad that has ever happened will continue to do so. So, if anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway...


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Thursday, September 09, 2004

 One Of The Lousy Days

Well, I guess today can be considered a lousy day. Aside from my little misadventure with the phone (yeah that device we talk into that the customer seem so eager to call) & IT monkeys has banned our comments, I sensed there are more in store for me.

Throat is getting dry and I sensed phlegm coming. I think I got to rest a little bit more. Luckily I got Fisherman's Friend stashed in my drawer.

Today actually mark some importance as I need to do some outside work. Some idiot over the sales has promised customer that our prototype PDA is coming soon. So before the Sales get negotiated, the customer would like to test the screen working under the sunlight. As you people know, a typical LCD doesn't work well with sunlight beamed to the screen. You can see nothing over the screen if exposed to a higher degree of light.

Let's see how this goes, got to present the report to the marketing people!

p/s: Come on people, think! A technical support agent is supposed to help the customer, not helping marketing people doing outdoor experiment! See how nice guy I am? *booing at the background*


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