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Thursday, September 09, 2004

 IT Scumbag

I have to hand it to the IT monkeys. There are always things that they want to make the employee's life more miserable. And what they did this time is to ban comments off the Blogger. Yes, these simple minded primates went ahead and banned comments box at each post. There is no problem to view the comments, but in order to enter a comment, the particular page was banned.

And you know what is their testimony? We're trying to protect the company asset to make sure company's resources are not abused. You want to say abuse? Abuse means using the company resources to do hacking, downloading MP3, watching pron (I realize it's not the correct spelling for I wouldn't want this post to be tagged by any filter trace) and many other damaging results.

If they want to talk abuse, what about employees watching news over the internet? Or checking cinema showtime, joining forums and such? Isn't that abusing?

Sometimes I wonder what harm could a few bytes of words do?


At 8:19 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

These desperate IT Monkeys needs to establish themselves in a position so that they are not viewed as 'makan gaji buta'... 

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