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Thursday, September 23, 2004

 Dog Desperate For Friendship

The other day, The Dog, messages me in our internal communication line. Not only it's repulsive and bothering but it's traumatic even to type a message to him. So I...

The Dog: "Hey, have you played Doom 3?"

Quiet... followed by a couple of days later.

The Dog: "You didn't answer me, have you played Doom 3?"
Me: "No"
The Dog: "You know I got this Doom 3 DVD."


The Dog: "Do you want it?"
Me: "No"
The Dog: "Have you seen the graphics before?"
Me: "No"
The Dog: "Oh okay never mind then..."

I guess he got the message, so he stopped messaging me. The thing is that it is not only me who's been treating him this way. Many other colleagues who was abused by him treated him coldly and hesitated to even lend a helping hand. To tell the truth, I'm a very easy-going person but if someone betrayed my trust... that'll be the end of it. Let me recount the day he lose my respect for him.

Many years ago, when our Call Center is still in the infancy stage, there are a lot of experimental process trials. Of course there was a point where The Dog was the team leader while I was an agent in the team. Then one day he disabled our phone, and caused us a lot of trouble to call out to customer in events of follow-up and has caused many dissatisfactions.

Me, G & A, three prominent agents stood up and asked The Dog why was our call has been disabled. Did we do bad? However, The Dog took this as an insult to challenge his authority. He even call me up, use abusive language and make several fake accusation that G influenced me to stand up against him. He rounded us in a room where he asked the assistant to talk to us. The assistant is clueless on what's going on.

Finally when he walked in, he said that our call was disabled because he wanted to test how our result is if our calls are disabled. And when G asked him why he abused/scolded me earlier, his reply was:

"I'm sorry, but I was at a bad mood just now because my drawer was stuck."

Oh what a load of crap! A person that I've previously respected totally diminished my loyalty to him. That's from where it started that I never take his words seriously anymore. I was on a rampage while the assistant, our tai-kar-cheh advised me on doing no such matter. And luckily, the manager saw this and took me out of his team and placed me to a new experimental queue.

And since the incident where he couldn't get me on the phone several time, he made another accusation to tai-kar-cheh that she influenced me not to speak to him. She openly retorted and scolded him back:

"You think I'm too free to do such thing? It is perhaps YOU will do it."

And he kept quiet ever since. Since then, no one will go near him. Besides Anand or Fuminari, both of them were never in the direct flame of The Dog, but they're very well aware of situation and get any chance to stay away from him. There was even once that Anand nearly join a separate team for developing web tools for our department, but knowning The Dog's in charge, he immediately withdrew his position! Kudos for Anand!


At 6:42 AM, Blogger zgirl said...

Yepp, I also think he is desperate for friendship. But I also think he deserves it. And if I am in your position, I will do the same. 

At 9:43 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

i was as close as this (thumb and index finger closing up) in joining the separate team, until our Tai-Kar-Cheh told me that it's The Dog who's heading the team. Luckily i pulled out fast enough.
There was even once, he found out that I was doing the web for my dept (Thai queue) and uses the same engine as the main tech support web (developed by Jase), he said he want me in his team, and will tell manager about it. I directly tell Tai-Kar-Cheh, and she said, "As long as I'm in charge of your work welfare, he will have to dream of getting you on his team." Fuhh! a real Tai-Kar-Cheh!! 

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