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Friday, September 17, 2004

 Frustrated Customer

Me: "Thank you for calling technical support..."
Customer: "I'm frustrated with this product!"
Me: "Okay, may we establish what is the product we're talking about?"
Customer: "I tried to switch it on but sometimes it can be switched on and sometimes not."
Me: "Uh huh..."
Customer: "And you know how frustrating this is?"
Me: "Uh huh..."
Customer: "Aren't you going to say anything?"

Aiseh man, now this is very typical. I've asked what kind of product he is having but noooo, he just got to vent his anger first, saying what is his problem not THINKING FIRST whether he is talking to the right person or not. This is the main problem with customer, STUPIDITY is always the main drive of our calls.

Me: "Well, may I know what product you're having there?"
Customer: "What's that got to do with anything? You're technical support right?"

Another misconception. They think all of us are one almighty agent who can do miracles. A recent review with one of my ex-boss has led to a question why am I so being negative to the customer and not helping them?

Me: "Let's think for a moment. If you have a child who will ride his first bike today, what will you do?"
Ex-Boss (EB): "Of course I'll give him a good advice and let him ride it out."
Me: "Knowing so that he might probably fall and get hurt?"
EB: "That's a process everyone has to go through."
Me: "Even though you can hold him in events that he will fall?"
EB: "Yes. He has to learn."
Me: "Good. Now you understand why I treat customer as such."

Customers are like spoilt brats who's been pampared by the all saying: "Customer is always right" that he/she will go at nothing but to come to us for every little problem. Very rare we can see them trying out & learn by themselves.


At 11:03 AM, Blogger N. G. Fainswift said...

Hi Jase Lee!

Know how you feel! I did support 15 years ago. Consumers have not changed at all!

Ah well, at least you don't have to talk to customers in person...

Good luck and much patience!


At 7:03 AM, Blogger N. G. Fainswift said...

Personally, I always found deleting the PFY's harddisk was a good way to release stress, or occasionally switching his operating system from Windows 3.11 to GEOS (remember, this was many years ago!)...

Or, get yourself one of those small foam PCs, and throw it against a wall. Several times. Hard. (Make sure your boss doesn't catch you though...)

Have a nice day!
N. G. Fainswift 

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