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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

 Project Three Rush Time!

Yesterday was quite a nightmare for me as I realized we have lots of problem with Project Three. I found out the codes that I'm working on is outdated and the localization officer didn't even send me a new one. When I confronted him, he realized his mistake and send me a new copy. And guess what, it's been two weeks since our old code has been running fine and now by sticking in the new code, we won't have the efficiency. And there's more bad news, the management drones want this to run by next week!

Not only that, both old and new codes have problem with the database whereby the old programmer put in date/time as TEXT! Every seasoned database administrators or programmers know that's a deathtrap in programming. If you do that, you'll have lots of problem in the future in case the change of formatting, change of programming style and such. I wondered what does the programmer think when he decided that.

And the Neo came over and asked why am I involve in this project? I should be taking calls and such, not involve in this localization issue. That should be handled by a separate team because they are paid to do this. The truth is that the team themselves have problems doing the localization!


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