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Monday, March 21, 2005

 Non-Appreciative Individual

I finally understand what Lynnee went through when you're trying to lend a hand. There's this guy who have a problem with his computer in our office. Being a nice samaritan, I was approached even by the IT guys in regards of his problem and I tried my best to resolve his situation.

Apparently his system screwed up that it cannot boot to Windows. Even through a special environment known as Safe Mode.

Well, it seems that the current equipment is not enough, so I headed back to my place to pick up an additional notebook, with a bootable CD, 2nd hard drive bay and even some cables just in case. However, upon reaching his place, I don't know what got on to me and I put the whole package onto another colleague's cubicle and took out only the CD.

So I tried my best to resolve the issue, but it seems that this guy was too frustrated and yelled at me for his own loss. Okay, that does it! What I did was I reported to him and the manager that there's no other way to recover his data, took back the CD, took up my package and left the place.

Some people could be so insensitive that we're actually trying our best to help him, but just because they are frustrated, they have to let go on the person that's helping them. And they never seem to grasp the concept that they are the ones in trouble, not us.

I left the place in pride, and let see how this motherf**ker burn just because his emotion is more important than preserving other people's feelings.


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