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Saturday, July 24, 2004

 Another One Bites The Dust

Was driving through Penang bridge and the whole road was empty. I was driving from Penang back to the mainland and there was a maroon Kancil on the slow lane (left) while I was driving on the fast lane (right). Now, realized that the distance between me and the Kancil was 3 heavy trailer lorries away! There was about at least 100 metres (a trailer lorry usually have 30++ metre in length).

All of a sudden, there was this Toyota Camry came from the back and started to tailgate my back. The driver is not satisfied and highlighted me a few times. I looked back and then looked front again. The driver has a safe distance to actually take on the left, the proceed to cut me and then swerve to the right again and thus having the road by herself (Yes, I said herself because it was a lousy woman driver. Sorry to say that but I don't mean all women, coz my mom can drive more dangerous than me!).

So I gave a good signal for her to overtake me, as I was driving pretty fast about 100 km/h (bridge limit is 80 km/h, and so since you don't know my car, I can safely relate this story to you dear readers). Not satisfied to overtake me by the left, the idiot driver turn on the hi-light and tailgate me all the way.

Thinking to myself: Alright, if that's how you want to play it, that's how you're gonna get it.

Weapons: Lock & Load!

I increase the accelerator till I matched the maroon Kancil's distance and stayed the same speed all the way. The idiotic driver keep flashing me. Since the driver don't have the nice courtesy to actually do it peacefully, I'll make sure she'll have a hard time on the road.

Scratch One

Too bad when me and the Kancil take up the slopes, the Kancil slows down due to it's less powerful engine. I don't blame the driver. As the Kancil slipped behind us, the Camry finally have to guts to cut it, overtake me and then give me the hand (not finger, mind you but rather something like a gesture of apa lar...) From there I can see that it's a middle age woman, somewhat of a housewife or an office executive who don't have experience in driving on a Penang road. The car does register in Penang though (undisclosed).

Scratch Two

The car sped off. It's my turn now. I then put in my car on full speed, hi-light and then tailgate her. She tried to outrun me, but with little experience, she cannot escape the chase. We cut a few busses and cars. Then all of a sudden, she press brake in hopes that my tailgating will cause me to knock on her back. Little does she have the experience of dealing with a real Penang driver.

Scratch Three

I give a hard turn on the left and sped off and she was left with an emergency brake on the road. Some cars at the back honked her for doing that. Think she's embarrased for trying to pull a novice stunt on a pro. I put a slow down to 60 km/h (that's the zone where police usually stalk), and see her sped off. By the end of the road, near the toll, the woman was stopped by a police for speeding on the bridge. Too bad I can't stop and give her the thumbs up sign.

This has led me to think why are there these kinds of drivers. I guess the women's driving comprehension was rather low and she was actually a potential customer to call into our line screaming on top of her lungs without knowing that she actually calling to the wrong number. If she would have only think outside the box... Well, I guess these people just ain't that bright enough...


At 4:01 PM, Blogger gotenks said...

it makes me felt relieved to know that I am not a driver for the moment but squeezing my body with others inside a train. yup, you heard me, it's "squeezing". i always have the hope for "suprises" every weekdays. guess, hope is the best part of life and a hell of a good start for the day, isn't it? haha... =P 

At 4:23 PM, Blogger gotenks said...

Strange... thought that I have posted my comments but it doesn't show up, even after a few minutes wait...

However, I will post again, hopefully I could still remember the content... just to make you jealous... =P

"I felt relieved and peaceful to know that I don't have to drive these days but to just squeeze my soft body with others inside a train during the weekdays. yup, you heard me, i said 'squeeze'...

therefore, i always starts my weekday with a new hope, and it is also with hope that gives a good start for that day.

haha... sorry =P" 

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Argh! *Biting my own head off*

Too bad Malaysia mass transport system suck unlike Singapore or Japan... 

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