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Monday, July 19, 2004

 Talking To Spastics

Here I am, rambling about customers again. Okay, here's another one worth to be thrown out of a helicopter into a large blender.

Cust called up just to say that he cannot sync his AvantGo (is a caching news). According to him, no news feed is coming through his computer. After like half an hour of troubleshooting, found out the mentally retarded customer didn't connect his system to the Internet. Don't he deserve the deluxe blender?

Another one should be shot at the kneecap and left bleed to death.

He calling in and found out he called to the wrong department.

Customer: "Hallo, hallo, this one not PC support ar?"
Me: "No, this is portables support. You must push Option 2 for desktop support."
Customer: "Okay okay, so, my PC cannot connect to internet. How ar?"
Me: "Sir, I'm not sure whether you're aware of this but you pushed an option where we support notebooks, PDAs & projectors..."
Customer: "Okay okay, sorry ar... So how can you help me ar?"

The last one deserved a to be tied to each horse on each limb and then whipped to pull on 4 different directions.

Customer: "Eh, want to call up lar, I can't read English lar..." (yes, you heard correctly, customer is talking IN ENGLISH!)
Me: "I understand, but all of our products in South East Asia only uses English..."
Customer: "Oh like that ar, so how then leh? I can't understand English one..."


At 2:55 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

According to Undang-Undang Kanun Keseksaan Seksyen 234-43a, we are allowed to kill these people if found their stupidity causing our grief. Too bad to think the law will only be mandated 20-30 years later... 

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