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Monday, July 19, 2004

 Simbians Controlling The Network

It's very easy to find simple minded people these days. Take for example the network guys in our office. Unable to handle to load of the network traffic, what they did was ban several websites, is one fine example. These people are too simple minded that they have only one rule of thumb to manage the network:

If things cannot be controlled - ban the stuff

I wondered where they get their degree from. If possible, get someone to re-audit their credentials again before letting them handle the network.


At 8:42 AM, Blogger gotenks said...

just a suggestion, if you still aren't aware of it...

try to use publicly available proxies like anonymizer to access

you might also want to have a look at the list of public proxy servers available through the following two links...

the above links have been provided by readers from Screenshots when News Straits Times put a ban on that weblog...

however, I am not sure of the setup... =)
stupid me on networking stuff...
hope this help... good luck! 

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