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Saturday, July 24, 2004

 Pixelus Deluxe

Come around children for I will tell the story that I once encountered during my journey. Come now, around the fireplace you go. Don't be afraid of me Calleus, for you are my grandson. You are supposed to lead these children. And Mipleseus, come sit on my lap and I will tell you the story.

It all begin when I was still a young strong man. My boat caught in a storm and I was stranded in an island. To my luck, I have found a cyclops who have taught me the mosiac tiling of the Gods. Soon I realized that most of the gods are having trouble tiling their mosaic. The cyclops finally said to me: "Claudius, the Gods need your help. Help them in their tiles and perhaps they will bring you back to your home." Realizing what I have stumble upon, I decided to help the gods.

The first god that I approached was Flora, her scented temple fills with accented aroma. Just by being there feels like staying there for the rest of my life. However, I still have to complete my quest. Flora begged me for me to complete her tiles. I helped her and managed to resolve her tiles problem. However, she is not the one that can help me to return home. Instead, she referred me to Jupiter.

Jupiter on one hand, does not want to see any mere mortal in order to help him with his mosaic problem. I would have to proof myself to him. What could be a better way than the help other gods? Then I stumble upon Cupid's temple, which I gladly helped. After finishing Cupid's tile, I realized he wasn't in good relation with his godfather, Jupiter. Again, I have to travel around the island to look for the next god to help.

Finally I found Neptune's temple... Oh my look at the time. I think it's past bedtime now children. Off to the bed you go. That includes you too, Calleus.

The Journey of Claudius

Cupid's Temple

One of the tougher puzzle

A just simple puzzle

Looked easy? Not quite!

Never underestimate Mosaic puzzles

For more information, look it up in Popcap for more fun online/offline games.


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