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Wednesday, August 25, 2004

 Some Boa Albums

Fuminari have already tempted me with Do As Infinity and now he's going a step further with Boa. For more info about Boa, you can check my previous post.

This isn't a song album actually but it's a documentary looking into the young & beautiful songstress from Korea. Did I mention that's she's multilingual? Yes, she's able to switch from Korean to Japanese language in a snap. The documentary was meant for Korean market but the ever J-Freak Fuminari is able to procure the DVD copy from YesAsia. I've checked the album and can see a lot of her clips & interviews, ranging from going into her house to her public walkabout in Shibuya, Japan.

Talking about Shibuya, there's a clip about her eating buns on roadside and although the fans do flock around to watch her eat, they stood two metres of more instead of invading her space. This is somewhat different from fans from Korea and other Asian country as they tend to flock in as close as possible to their beloved star.


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