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Wednesday, August 04, 2004

 Boa, Not The Snake

Went out with Fuminari and we went to Pragin Mall to check out some books that he would like to buy. The book is Chinese written (as I always quoted: 'alien language') and was sold in Popular bookstore. The thing is that they have this CD-Rama in the bookstore these days and they carry lots of titles around. I went checking around and was surprised that they are carrying this title BoA - Love & Honesty.

After looking around closely, I realized that this album is no mere CD, but a CD/DVD. Since this album is kind of 101 rare, I quickly grab the album and paid at the counter. For the uninitiated, Boa Kwon is a rising star in Japan singing Jpop. So far Utada Hikaru & Ayumi Hamazaki are the ones reigning the top, but this new pop star of 3 years (she's about 18-19 this year) from Korea is able to penetrate the Japan market with most of her Japanese songs. Quite impressive resume, I'd say. And she can speak pretty well Japanese in the interview. She has somewhat different approach in the standard JPop industry.

The main menu in the DVD

One of her MTV

She's doing the dance

A close-up on her

Same as above

Good. Now I've lost 50 pints of blood already. And I'm still typing this blog... *slump!*


At 8:31 AM, Blogger gotenks said...

request from gotenks :

don't post my girl's pictures here, please...

for that album, i like most of the songs... especially the first song, when i full-blast the speakers... 

At 12:23 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

one phrase : beh hiao pai seh ar?? :D

habih habih.... how much you pay for it?? 

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Luckily it was merely RM51 for that. And I was surprised at the pricing. Not bad man for a day to bleed my nose the whole night.

Now ripping the DVD... Muahahaha! 

At 1:45 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

rip.... and dun forget to share to me.. kekkee 

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Jaselee said...

No worries, she doesn't want a love life. She's only 18 and one of the interview she said she don't want a boyfriend/girlfriend or anything. She would concentrate on her career first... 

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