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Monday, September 27, 2004

 Brinkster Upgrade

Oh man I really have to relate to dear readers on how tempted I am to push the button to subscribe to Brinkster's new professional account, which supports for ASP with a mere USD $3.97 which roughly translate to RM 181. Thinking over I filled in the form with my name, address & contact number plus my credit card account. I then clicked submit but then Brinkster came back with the error that my billing address has not been filled.

Thank god for that to happen! I nearly put in RM 181 for 1GB or space with 30GB of traffic! I mean this month my spending has already cross serious borders and I'm not going to put in cash for the account. Anand has been tempting me with all that he can muster such as "your own webspace", "your digital life" & "" but I had that blocked out. No, I shalt not fall for such temptation. If Christ1 can do that, then so can I!

Much like Gandalf holding his staff on the passage of Midas Trinith upon encountering the Balrog, "YOU SHALT NOT PASS!" was the word I kept on running on my head. Yes the temptation was great. Yes the offering was great. But I must prevail for the sake of my camera. Anand is still clawing his way into my head to get me to get the page.

Seriously I was thinking, what am I going to do with the page if I do subscribe to it? All I had was this blogspot and it was good enough. As for pictures, I'm not going to put in a full fledged 1600 x 1200 resolution with a thumbnail with it! I just want something small on the web that can be shared and yet enough to make an impression. Brinkster still has the education account which I can run my ASP codes and they are very small. Till now I only consume less than a megabyte on the Brinkster space.

So what gives? None. I think I have to sit this one out for the moment.

1 Sorry for devotees of Christ, just put in for the sake of pun


At 9:54 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

come master.... let ussss rule the world together...
with preciousssssss....... 

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