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Thursday, September 02, 2004

 Hey Dude I Love Your Band

*yawn* Still sleepy over last night's fascade. Woke up late at night and continued reading The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Woke up this morning and went to fetch my friend while reading the text during my drive to her office. She was scolding me like hell because I totally disregarded the traffic to read the e-book. Well that's me, a little eccentric over the book, but I managed to navigate through the rush hour. And why they call it a rush hour when it's a jam?

A friend of mine called me up with loud music of D12 - My Band playing loudly at the background. He thanked me for lending my ears last night. Then I asked him where he is, he said he was in his house and his girlfriend was nagging him like hell. That's why he was playing the music loudly. What a strange behavior. He is trying an interview over the KL for some sound recording engineer. I wished him luck and got in to my office.


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Kew said...

the da Vinci Code ebook that you are reading, you purchased it off the web? or downloaded it for free from somewhere? 

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

It's downloaded from a not-so-ethical sources. 

At 11:42 PM, Blogger zgirl said...

Paris tourists seek 'Da Vinci Code' clues 

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