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Monday, January 24, 2005

 Photoshoot At The Botanical Garden

Recently I went for a photo shoot with the gang and had a very fun time photographing the model and I have the chance to horne my photography skills to the next level. I was surprised, because during the last photoshoot, another model bailed out at the last minute. However, the model, Danielle did arrived and was showed a lot of professionalism at her work.

The skies were shady on that day and most of my shots were SHOT TO HELL! Most of them were dark and luckily there is a miracle graphic manipulation tool called Adobe Photoshop. However, this still doesn't explain lousy color composition. That means I still have lots of things to learn in digital photography.

As for her personality, Danielle is easy to work with. The gang of 9 practically photographed at anything she does! It took us about 3 hours, changing location and even her dress so that we can have a little diversity in our shoot. At the end it was great. I learned a lot of digital photography that I have never heard of. It's a surprised how technology advances these days.

For more of Danielle's gallery, click here!

Can't get enough of her? Try a few other photographer's gallery such as: Teetoo, HCLee, Bitbytes9, Jack, & Fuminari.


At 6:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Cool... looks like you joined the dark side. welcome to the club! 

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Jenn said...

pretty girl :D

what camera are you using? 

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Nothing too grand. Just a Nikon D70. And still a lot to learn... 

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