My words are my thoughts and I'm a pessimist person who just thinks that Murphy's Law is what defines me. I believe that anything bad that has ever happened will continue to do so. So, if anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway...


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Thursday, March 24, 2005


God damn I'm have a really bad day.

Brushed Clean
Yesterday I went for a meeting for the manager. Each team has to present to the manager why there are a repeated calls and how come there are even a repeated dispatch despite of every precautions the agent has taken and the management has done. So, when it was my turn to present, I didn't realize I put in all the wrong information. Instead of focusing all the faulty parts that need to be revised, I put all the information about the agent and what to be done about them.

This has caused the manager to question what am I supposed to be doing by focusing on the agent. Since I'm the 2nd level for the technical support department and it's not befitting for me to focus on the agent. I'm supposed to be looking at the components and what has caused the failure.

And I got some real good scolding.

However, I was lucky as the other 2nd level guy wasn't so fortunate as me. He managed to focus on the correct parts, but his action item was to get other department and the customer to coorperate in order to get the result that he wants. So the manager screwed him over, asking how he has control other than the agent which is under him. Unable to answer, the manager proceed to screw him in likes of what I've never ever seen before.

I really pitied the 2nd level guy, after being down, the manager continue to kick and slam him. A quick check on the other manager found that he doesn't have a grasp on English and this has caused a misunderstanding between him and the manager.

A brand new shiny notebook was received by Neo in the morning was passed to me. I made some checkup, verify it cosmetically and found no issue with it. I powered up and the information came up without any problem. So I got the serial number and recorded it. Luckily, the system already got it's name, which has the same number as the serial number.

So, I assigned the notebook to my men of charge.

I went back early yesterday because I was pratically sick. Not sick in a way but sick of my men approaching me for even the smallest details. I got pissed off and I decided to get back as fast as possible. Jobe asked for a lift, which I gladly give before I quickly headed back to my home for the sleep.

However, I didn't remember that there is a meeting in the evening but I don't care. Sleep and getting away from the guys are my main priority. So when I got back today, the agent approached me with a really really white face. He told me that the system was stolen because when he returned from the meeting and found the notebook missing.

Incidentally, he went to the meeting leaving the notebook on the table. When he came back, it went missing. A quick check with Neo and he quickly pinged the unit and found it was DETECTED! That means the system is still in our office, just that we need to find it ASAP.

We managed to trace it to a room but it was locked. That's good. We managed to corner some bastards and let's see if tomorrow we can catch the culprit.


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