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Friday, March 25, 2005

 It's Friday

Here's one customer that's been bugging Scream Queen in regards for his touchpad. Now guys, if the system went into a suspend and it resulted an erratic mouse movement, and after a while of moving the mouse to resolve the problem, what do you guys think it's the issue?

This is one small fry customer who's trying to act big trying to intimidate my agents. We know that this is only a software issue but the idiot expected that by buying on of the notebooks, he already owned the moon and the sun.

Since the customer was so persistent and there is no way technical speciality is able to help with the case, we pass this case over to the customer service.

Guess what?

This customer service agent, already known for her Tai Chi1 action passed the case back to my agent. I was pissed that I sent an updated message, with all the action that we've done and pass the case back to her. What a lazy agent. She thinks just because it has to do with technical, she just pass it back to us without wanting to looking at the case first.

Too bad she went back early. Argh!

1 Tai Chi is a discipline derived from a martial art in order to activate a person's energy (chi) that makes a person so healthy. However, the nature of Tai Chi is to 'borrow' the attacker's energy and divert it back to the attacker. In a basic routine in our office, a Tai Chi master can try to push back a case back to the escalator.

p/s: Before I forget, the stolen notebook case has a little twist on it. The thief is smart enough to rename another PC to the serial number on the notebook. That's why we've been pinging the wrong machine. A few L2s has already been dispatched on investigating the case but no clues turn up for now.


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