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Tuesday, July 27, 2004

 Idiot Alert pt. 2

Another one deserved to have her hand/leg chopped off and left bleeding on the road.

Customer: "I've been calling your stupid telephone and press your stupid option. Look, I have this desktop model that has DVD+R drive and it cannot record the CD"
Me: "Ma'am, apparently you've dialed the wrong option here. Since you have and know the desktop model, you can actually push option 2 when you dial to this toll-free number..."
Customer: "Are you saying you cannot help me?"
Me: "Yes."

Phone slam again. Makes me wonder if the customer has actually paid attention to her system, recording and stuff, she wouldn't have called us on the first place. And if she paid attention to the phone system, she would've been aware that when she pushes option 4, it is transferred to portables support. Why can't this people actually listen to the instruction? Are they that desperate that it actually clouded their focus?

I used to own a Palm m100. When it actually having problem with the screen display, I called into Palm support and it was routed to Singapore. I managed to get to the correct support line, because I listen to the option before pressing. I managed provide the serial number, troubleshooted and the nice Palm support personnel, one named Putra actually replace me the unit.

I don't understand why these people don't see the concept. They only understand that if they have problem, they'd call and expected the manufacturer to solve the issue for him. What they don't understand is that the manufacturer has lots of computer model, and therefore the toll-free is prepared for them with options so that they can be routed to the correct person. An average person could easily figure that out. What really puzzled me that what these people is thinking when they are actually dialing to our toll-free line.

And these people actually can't take the penalty to call again. If you call the wrong queue, you are expected to redial and push the correct option again. Most of them expected a transfer. Why is that? I have experience in that where last time I used to transfer these nice customers. Problem is when the other team is facing call flooding; the customer would call to my line and expect me to transfer. In their perspective, the transfer will be faster than calling in. Now that's one thing I really don't understand. How could a transfer be faster than a call-in?

There's one more case that I really don't know how to help him. The customer recently purchased a PDA and can't understand English. *sigh*...


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