Another one of those dreaded calls. How I just wish that I can actually throw him off KL tower with a fishing line hooked to his gut.
Customer: "Ah Hallo? Hallo?" (very rude)
Me: "Yes, how can I help you?"
Customer: "I got problem with my PDA..."
Me: "Can I have the tag number first?"
Customer: "Why do you need the tag number for?"
Me: "Well, it's a serial number and I need it to verify your PDA configuration first..."
Customer: "Don't you want to listen to my problem first?" (angrier)
Me: "Yes, but I would have to verify the tag first..."
Customer: "No! I won't give you the tag now!" (very angry)
Me: "Okay, in that case we need the tag to verify your PDA configuration..."
Customer: "Nevermind, I'll call your manager and escalate you!"
Phone slam. Yahoo! Serve the fella right. Let's see how far he can go without the tag. What's so hard of giving 7 alphanumeric numbers anyway? These people are so desperate and need everything to be quick that they forgot the fact to take courtesy on the calls. These people think Technical Support are a bunch of people dedicated to be abused. Perhaps Max Payne is right:
If you push a person too hard, one day he'll start pushing back.
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