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Monday, July 26, 2004

 My Butt Hurts

*A cursor moved to the country, and it selected Malaysia. After the form was selected, the cursor moved to Submit and thus ended the whole transaction*

That's it. My friend, Fuminari has placed an order for Do As Infinity - Do The Best (CD & DVD). Oh I'm going so regret about it! The thing is going to cost me a bomb! But the worst part is that my friend whisper me these words in Gollum-like voice plus Michael Jackson's Bad:

Your butt is mine...

Oh no!

We looked at YesAsia webpage and found a lot of other collections as well, ranging from Utada Hikaru to Ayumi Hamazaki, each with their own specific region and prices. Not bad, it's something like Amazon of Asia. The interesting part is that it has a large collection of Japanese, Korean and Chinese media, ranging from songs, MTVs, Karaokes to even books & magazine. Worthwhile to check it out. I didn't know such site existed previously until a few days ago.


At 10:16 AM, Blogger gotenks said...

Japanese albums are just way too expensive for us, the weaklings, to play around with.

However, it is lucky that in Japan, we can borrow from rental shops as well as buy the used-CDs at a lower price. Sometimes the price will drop by 50%, and sometimes, in addition of that 50% price drop, they give another 50% discount for that price! So basically, a new album will be sold at around 3000yen (around RM100), and 1500yen(around RM52) for used-CDs, and on some occasion, or I call it "lucky-day", we can get the used-CDs with 750yen(around RM26)!!

Recently bought Utada Hikaru's latest release (Singles Collection I) with 800yen. Of course, I bought it on the "lucky-day".

Although still considered expensive for a used-CDs , if convert to RM, but relatively, worth the price... =)

And don't always listen to only female artists lar... try some male groups too, like Mr. Children... my favourite so far... =) 

At 10:24 AM, Blogger Jaselee said...

The friend who ordered the DAI, also purchase Utada Hikaru - Singles and it cost him about RM 86 in Malaysia... 

At 5:06 PM, Blogger gotenks said...

RM 86 is expensive for an album, but yet still cheaper than Japan's price tag. I wonder why Japan's local albums is so expensive. Imported english albums just cost us about 1500yen...


At 12:26 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

hmm .. then how they wanna encourage the locals to buy their local singer's album ? if it's in Malaysia, sure piracy doubles than what's now... :P 

At 6:00 PM, Blogger gotenks said...

i am not sure, but for them, 3000yen is just like our RM30 in Malaysia. so that's not of a problem.

plus, some of the japanese CDs, have the CD-Protected feature. I tried to insert it to a PC to burn into MP3s but it couldn't read the data. =( 

At 11:12 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Let's see the rate, 100 Yen = RM 3.50
So 1000 Yen = RM 35
So 3000 Yen = RM 105

As for the CD-Protected issue, me and my friend already managed to rip the whole CD... 

At 8:43 AM, Blogger gotenks said...

Re: Learning to crack the CD-protection system.

With reference to the above, I would like to apply the course to learn to crack the CD-protection system.

Hahaha... please advice. 

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Found out it's quite a good ripper, we've managed to rip most of the CDs, except for Chemical Brothers (2 compilation) which keeps missing the first track. 

At 8:24 AM, Blogger gotenks said...


Thanks for the link!! I will start ripping off their CDs... =) 

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Keep it low profile. We wouldn't want the CD-Control people to learn that this FREE software actually cracking their copy-protection that easily... 

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