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Wednesday, August 25, 2004

 DivX Player

During the years of DivX 3.0, they have shipped together with a codec along with the player. And the player simply sucked! It sucked big time that it doesn't take a genius to figure out that this is one program he wish that should not be installed on his computer. Since then, wherever I install DivX, I only install the codecs but never the player.

However today kind of bored coming home early so I decided to install DivX with the player. Surprisingly, the interface rivals against Microsoft Media Player or even Intervideo WinDVD. It has a clean interface with a lot of easy menu/configuration to manipulate.

Tested with Dragonball GT, courtesy of Anand which consumed up about 7 CDs, I've tested a few clips and the player loads up the AVI file with amazing speed. Even Media Player or WinDVD staggers a while if you pause or load a new file. If you need a fast DivX player without hassle, this new DivX Player is a way to go.


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