My words are my thoughts and I'm a pessimist person who just thinks that Murphy's Law is what defines me. I believe that anything bad that has ever happened will continue to do so. So, if anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway...


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Monday, August 30, 2004

 HR Meeting

Got up early this morning and was headed to the meeting room. Inside, the HR representative start asking some working concerns on our current team leaders & our managers. Unfortunately, I've joined the wrong team. You see, my team had the same meeting last week but both me and Fuminari are unable to make it. We are required to attend to this meeting so we joined another the desktop support team to hear out the representative.

And my god what a commotion it was there. There are a few of the agents start making lots of comments of their current managers and such. I thought this is supposed to be a simple meeting attendance and we'll all will see what are the concerns. And what happened inside the room wasn't a constructive discussion but a WAR ZONE. Accusation were made here and there and there's a lot of dissatisfaction amongst themselves.

That's creepy. Tried to get a free cup of coffee but it was on the other side of the room. I know if I rush to it, I'll be shot dead before I even know it! I slowly creep towards the table and there's one dead body already dropped to my path! I navigate around him and there's a lot of explosions now instead of gunfight. Finally I reached the end of the table and someone has already beaten me to the coffee.

What a lousy day to start!

I managed to snag some sandwiches and got back to my place. I'm feeling hungry now as my lunch is at 1pm.


At 2:48 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

that bad ar?? aiyoh.. mine is on Wednesday... see how ler... 

At 2:54 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Your's should be ok, it's because we had to mix with the desktop team and everything just went out of control all of a sudden... 

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