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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

 Stupid Idiots That Will Spoil Your Day

Just today when everything goes so great, there's this stupid idiot called in with a monitor. Only a monitor. Told him that we do not support monitor as we're supporting PDAs & Projector like advertised. And I was telling him that he must have base system like a desktop or notebook. Apparently this idiot only purchase a monitor. That means this is an illegal order in my company. Like I expected, this particular bastard got pissed off that he wanted to speak to manager. I told him of today's predicament that it is the National Day and he cut me off: "You're telling me that the manager's not working because of National Day?"

I really want to slap the person in the mouth. As if he'll be working on a Singaporea national day.

Since he cannot further here, put him through customer service. I had to report to the Queen Leader and she said: "Customer cannot get angry if you speak politely." What a load of horseshit. She's not there so how would she know that customer cannot get pissed if I speak politely? I give up, that's why I don't feel like giving the report to her. These management-drone-by-the-book people are the one's that's really pissing me off. Just when I just need their support, they just gave the wrong encouragement.

*Later the case was escalated to Fuminari and found out the customer was from a company that was blacklisted for causing Technical Support a few issues previously.


At 12:10 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

hey, cheer up mate.. this same queen leader already ruined my day yesterday... so, why not we ruin her day today? :D kekeke 

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