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Monday, August 30, 2004

 Desperate Sales Part 1

Sales: "Please call the customer."
Me: "Why should I call?"
Sales: "Customer would like to know how to configure their PDA to be used on their environment."
Me: "So, does he has a tag?"
Sales: "What tag?"
Me: "You mean you tell me, you're unaware of our company's support policy revolving around the tag?"
Sales: "No..."
Me: "In that case, good day then. Talk to the marketing department for more info about the tag."

Stupid Sales agent want easy sales by having me calling the customer and talking technically to the customer. By right, the Sales should have enough technical training to even talk to customer that has hard understanding with the computer world. And hell, I thought our customer was stupid enough not recognizing the technical term, but we realized our Sales are even more clueless at that. Unable to get me to call the customer, the Sales agent escalated me to his manager.

Sales Manager (SM): "Call the customer..."
Me: "What is it about?"
SM: "They want to configure the whole PDA under the NT domain."
Me: "What's this got to do with me?"
SM: "The customer is getting 100 units..."

Shit, usually big Sales need the advice of a technical support.

Me: "In that case, since I'm being a nice guy today, I'll do it."

Called the customer: *toot* *toot* *toot* *toot*

No one answered the call.

Alright, let's try that again... *toot* *toot* *toot* *toot*

I give up after two calls.

Finaly the SM got back to me.

SM: "So how is it?"
Me: "No use, customer's not picking his line."
SM: "Why don't you try again?"

Now I'm really pissed off with this. First he wants me to do a favour for him and now he's actually undermining my intelligence.

Me: "Do you think I haven't tried that?"
SM: "Oh okay... let's try again 5 minutes shall we?"

And I waited diligently after 5 minutes. Then I called. *toot* *toot* *toot* *toot* and it goes the same for the 3rd & 4th trial. Okay, the anger threshold is already at my limit, I'm not going to take this shit any longer.

Me: "Look, I called and the customer still didn't answer."
SM: "Er..."
Me: "Why don't we do it the simple way. Since you're so desperate for the customer's sale, you keep on calling the customer, and transfer it to me once you're able to get him..."
SM: "Er..."
Me: "I'd say it's fair isn't it? I have to support another customer and I have no time for a call back. So either, you followup with the customer or get other people to followup with this call."
SM: "Er, okay okay... I'll call you once I get the customer on the line..."


At 3:54 PM, Blogger zgirl said...

A very interesting conversation between you and the sales ppl.Something I must learn to use against my R&D ppl 

At 4:09 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Our Sales are nothing but a bunch of pushover. Once they have made the sales, they'd abandon the customer and dump all their mess to Technical Support. That's why Technical Support & Sales never do anything together. They fear that we'll probably argue in some Team Building or something... 

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

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At 5:20 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

*says sorry to all sales managers out there beforehand*

I hate them! they're just a bunch of poopooheads who thinks that every process should revolve around them just because they're the ones making money for the company! Grrr!!!

p.s: i thought this SM is kinda nice to you.. the one i deal with... always scream through the phone and emails demanding her way and always copy all the tualiap ppl in her mails one... see/hear also geram. hope she f*king choke on a sock!! grrrr!!! 

At 9:52 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Well, the SM has to. Because there are only 2 person in Technical Support who can support PDAs & Projectors (the rest are well versed in notebooks) and the other fella ain't too keen to help Sales (he kinds of loath them for being spoilt). 

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