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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

 Merdeka Day

I've nothing much to say for Merdeka Day except that I know today's a holiday and I have to work supporting stupid Singaporean customers. Just about a second after I logged in, the call beep already ringed to indicate desperate people trying to get into our support line. To make matters worse, these people call in has no idea what is their product and never ever listened to instructions.

Oh and I think Malaysian customers are gonna get desperate later. Some of them don't realize for a fact that today is a National Holiday and still try to call in with various ways and methods. A few of them even went through a lengthy way just to get our support. These people really can't get it in their heads that in many cases, people do need their rest too. A 24-hour forum & support website don't seem to catch their interest. I wonder why is that.

And this is always the case: tomorrow's going to be swarming full of calls comprising of Malaysian customers. I have no idea of a day of holiday can get many people getting so desperate for support. I get a distinct feeling that these people aren't going to read the manual. They prefer to call first, read later. So there goes Malaysia Boleh spirit.

Can't say that for much, for Singaporeans are much the same way...


At 12:07 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

yeah... Malaysian customers boleh....
boleh blah!! 

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