My words are my thoughts and I'm a pessimist person who just thinks that Murphy's Law is what defines me. I believe that anything bad that has ever happened will continue to do so. So, if anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway...


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Tuesday, September 28, 2004

 A Near-Accident

I don't know whether it's my luck or it's just not my day. I went out in the morning cruising along the road where I met with a jam. As I cannot wait as I need to get to work quite early, I give a signal and waited. A blue Nissan Sunny went by and there was a 3 second interval where there was no traffic. As I move out the line, there was a motorbike honking as we nearly traded paintjob. Then the fella stop and makes intimidating gesture. And guess what I did?

I saluted him in a way to say sorry.

Shocks, now why would I do that? I don't know. I guess I'm not looking for a fight this morning. However there was once a stupid Indian guy actually cuts into my line and when I need to cut out, he stopped and looked at me with a scornful gesture. I give him a nod 'what's happening?'. However, the driver took this as an insult and walk out the road shouting overhead. I walked out, look at my car, and then his and ask him what's the problem. Realizing he was not going to win any arguement, he went back to the car and drove his wife off from the road.

What a lousy day it has gotten me into.


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