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Friday, November 19, 2004

 Customer Conspiracy

Well, I'm not sure whether this is a freakish coincidence or some customers actually banded together to flood our call line. Fuminari has taken off from the line to attend a product training.

Now, I realized when there is a call in, and just as soon as I put down the phone, 3-4 calls came in all of a sudden. Not only that, I kept monitoring the call pattern and all of them always inherited the same structure. Somehow there'll be 3-4 calls that come in at the same time. What is this? Suddenly the customer wanted to party? Why can't one call come one at a time? And as a result, some of the idiots complaint that no one picked up their call.

Chaos Theory suggested that every every disorganized information contained an underlying order. I guess it would be the same if applied to our calls. I used to suggest to the manager that we should use the theory to predict incoming calls. The manager then dropped my idea in favour for more concrete data formation suggested by other reporting engineer...


At 6:58 PM, Blogger zgirl said...

Encountered the same problem. Is either there will be a string of calls or there will be none.And if there's lot of calls, some of it might be urgent cases. 

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