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Monday, November 22, 2004

 Kitchie Nadal

Now that's a hard name to find. Kitchie is a rising star in the Philippines and her hit Wag Na Wag Mong Sabihin seem to hit the chart for MTV Asia recently. Was watching her development and found that her songs are good. She has good voice with a lot Michelle Branch (1) quality in her. I've tried to access her website (1 & 2) but met with little success since the server keep saying giving me the error: "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded."

So, a quick search to Google and found these two websites that has a better information about her: Bembang Magazine & Titik Pilipino

Kitchie (right) with Ms. Roca Cruz (left), which is her current manager in this time of writing. The photo was taken from Bembang Magazine


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