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Thursday, January 27, 2005

 Fat Bitch Wants Sales

I woke up from my sickness feeling refreshed. Ever wonder that everytime you wake up from a hangover or serious sickness, your head feels light and you somehow have the ability to think at a higher level?

Obviously my enlighten state didn't stay long when this particular fat bitch at Sales keep getting us to call the customer. She wanted the sales so bad that the customer actually considering to purchase 100 units of our high-end PDA from her. So, being desperate for the Sales, she actually asked us to call the customer. Me and Fuminari kept our cool and told her that we have lots of work to do. The reason why we wouldn't want to help the Sales is as follows:

1. Do we get compensation for helping them? After all, they drive new car every month is hardly justifiable by pushing their problem to us.
2. Everytime there are little things even down to specification, they shove it down to Technical Support's throat. We have specifically tell her NOT TO DO TRANSFER but to provide our toll free line to the customer. Does she heed to our advice? No. So, screw it, we ain't charity around these parts.
3. Customer has not even purchased the unit yet! Obviously she wanted the commission so bad that was desperate for the sale. I'm willing to bet once the customer has closed the deal, she'll just shove customer off if there are any concern.

Screw it, if she wanted the sales, she would have to learn to treat us better in the past. And she's the one always run for cover when the shit hits the fan. I guess it's time we put her up to hold the shit once and for all.


At 2:49 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Just a thought... she might be the one mentioned by Shar in the toilet... :P 

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Sleekblackmercedes said...

Hang on there bro! ;) 

At 11:13 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Well, the thing goes here is that we don't care whether a person's thin or fat, just that their attitude is so disgusted that we eventually use their body weight as a pun... 

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