My words are my thoughts and I'm a pessimist person who just thinks that Murphy's Law is what defines me. I believe that anything bad that has ever happened will continue to do so. So, if anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway...


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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

 Sick Today

I don't know what's wrong with me today. It started out so fine that when I went to work, I even joked with fellow colleagues about today's customer but when reached about 10am this morning, every suddenly became bad. My headache was throbbing and my neck was stiff. It even hurt to turn my neck.

I tried to hold on to the end of the day but the sickness has taken its toll. It was so unbearable that I was forced to take half a day's off. Got my permission from Queen Leader and I cabut1 quickly and quietly from the office. When I got home, some idiot bitch cut out from the junction and I was forced to stop. Jolted myself out and point my middle finger to her. Got home about 12:45pm and slept until 5pm. However before I slept, I took a snapshot of my room. Just to show how grim I am on my condition.

So right now I just got up. Everything is fine except there is still a slight tingling sensation on my head. No, I'm not Spiderman, but it's rather distracting. Quickly publish up this blog and I'm going to get me some game to play just to get this pain away.

1 Cabut means escape in Malay.


At 10:28 PM, Blogger Ping-Ping said... always makes the male gender feels better eh?

anyway, I'm wondering if you don't mind giving me some tips about photography. It seems like you do have some experience with it after the reading your last post. I just enjoy it for fun and I am trying to capture the shape of the snow (which is very hard to explain..kinda like those christmas decor that you see) but no matter how much exposure I use, it always comes out as round white dots. I've been trying since it started snowing but haven't been able to capture a good picture of it at all. I'm trying to capture it so that I can show it to my parents and lil cousins in Penang who has never seen snow before. It'll be great if you can help me out. Thanks! 

At 10:57 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Oh mi gosh, I've spend nearly about 10 minutes to write you about the stuff just to realized I accidentally written the whole stuff in your blog...

I apologized for such error. I guess my sickness still haven't dissipate... 

At 12:49 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Am all right now but get plummet by the Sales... 

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