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Thursday, March 31, 2005

 50mm... Here I come!

Realized these few days I have problem posting/editing my blog over Blogger. Well, in anyway I think Bloggar worked just fine. In anyways, just collected my paycheck and I'm actually eyeing some lenses for my camera.

In the beginning, I cannot decide whether I would like to go for the telephoto zoom or just go for the quality of a picture. After much model shooting and serious consideration, I decided to abandon the telephoto zoom and concentrate on taking better portrait photos. I have put a lot of research into this Nikon 50mm f/1.8 lense.

And to top that off, I need flashes as well, so I'm considering the SB-600 due to the fact that I'm quite low on the cash and that's the only cheapest flash for my Nikon D70.

Alright, I guess that's the equipment I needed for some serious photoshooting. There are some better lense and flashes out there but I don't think I have the money to afford that. However, like what Ken Rockwell always emphasize on, it's always the skill of the photographer that has to frame the picture in his mind, to make it appear into a photograph.


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