My words are my thoughts and I'm a pessimist person who just thinks that Murphy's Law is what defines me. I believe that anything bad that has ever happened will continue to do so. So, if anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway...


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Thursday, September 30, 2004

 Analogy of Penang Driver

I'm late for the morning and as I came out from the traffic light, there it was! A long caterpillar lineup pile of nightmare for every driver called traffic jam laid in front of my eyes. And it's not the tiny teenee ones where you can squeeze through. This is a major one where you wish you have a large high powered tractor that you can mow these bastards out of their misery!

Yes, these mindless working class drivers have no ilking idea that what they are doing are causing a grief at the back of them. All they are is to fill their eyes of the event that's in front of them that doesn't concern them!

And it's always the same, if it's not a roadblock, it'll be road construction and even worse, it could be an... ACCIDENT. Yes, that's the past time favorites of the Penang driver that loved to watch. An accident that doesn't concern them but they do love to watch the event. You know, those stupid drivers who slowed down to watch an accident. These people are the ones that are too curious for their own good. These people whoe never thought of the traffic behind them and how most of them need to rush to the office to work.

You know what could be done? Yea, I got a couple of great ideas:

  • Immediately set up a police speed trap operation. Catch the car that's going less than 40kph. If those fellas have something to complaint, let them do. Let them know that it's wrong to slow down to watch IF they are not even helping at all.
  • Use a large canvas to close up the accident scene. That way, cars that are moving cannot see what's going on behind the canvas and probably just go ahead.
  • Put up an industrial granded crane dumbbell. You know the ones with has an iron weight that used to knock down walls on the building? Use 'em to crush those cars that slow down. Then if the traffic went bad, use the same weight ball to swing the cars away.

Try something more of a high tech:

  • Detonate a small thermonuclear bomb in the accident vicinity. Not only it'll vaporize the curious bastards who caused traffic jam, it'll be doing a good community service so that to make the road driving runs faster and safer.
  • Initiate an Ion-Cannon like what you see in Command & Conquer. With satellite tracking and such, it's easy to see to spot car slowing down to watch. Then the operator can initiate a pure energy beam that vaporized those stupid drivers.
  • Actually an easy way is to use the same techniques as above to destroy the accident scene, that way there won't be anything left to watch by the time the stupid drivers arrived at the scene.

Don't you just wish the government would pass for something like this?


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