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Wednesday, September 01, 2004

 Another Morning of Earliness & Lending My Ears

A friend called me just now and she wanted a ride to her office because currently her company is doing some renovation, and they don't have enough place to park. Right now a few employees take turns to drive to work because such limited parking space. Being a nice guy that I am, I agreed to it, and asked her what time's her working time.

She said it was 0800 hour. Aiseh man, damn early. Well, at least there's a plan. Updated Fuminari through SMS, since currently it is his bowling session. *yawn* The tiredness overcomes me. At least tomorrow is already Thursday... and you know what that means? It's another day before Friday!

Then a call came in. Another aquaintence just quit his job came over to sembang1. You know lar, if guys come by, definately have to offer some beer. Talking it over on his future plan, I find his situation is a pity. This guy was working in a Taiwan company for more than 5 years, and now the management wants to retire his job function as a system analyst because they do not need that much of a system analyst anymore. And guess where they put him? They transferred him to do clerking work. He already voiced his concern over the management but they turned to deaf ear. So the only honourable thing for him to do was to quit.

1 Sembang = chatting in Malay language


At 8:45 AM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Well, I'm working in a office, handling customer calls into Technical Support. The reason we work during Merdeka Day is because Singaporean customers aren't bound to the same holiday as ours, so we're forced to support them. At least we're having OT to claim. 

At 9:25 AM, Blogger zgirl said...

I supposed you guys are working in a place ... with the name starts with 'D'. 

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Jaselee said...

It's still is. And still rhymes with Hell... 

At 1:32 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

yeah.... :D 

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