My words are my thoughts and I'm a pessimist person who just thinks that Murphy's Law is what defines me. I believe that anything bad that has ever happened will continue to do so. So, if anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway...


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Wednesday, September 01, 2004

 Good Morning, Viet... er... Malaysia!

1st of September: Already the 4th year working in my company. Look at my face at the mirror, getting... older. Sat on the couch, relaxed played a little PS2, found that the clock was only 3am. *sigh* Cannot sleep so continue playing until...


I jumped up. Found that I've fallen asleep on the main hall and my parents asked me to get up. My game was halfway paused so I continued playing. I looked out at the window and realized the sky was already getting brighter. Quickly glance at the clock, found that it's already 7:15 AM!

I'm going to be late!

I have a presentation to do this morning. Fuminari and me has been cracking our head on how to explain some of the survey done by some internal department team in terms of customer satisfaction. The problem is that, only 1 cases out of five is caused by our problem, however, majority of the issue is caused by:

  • QA team inability to spot defective unit
  • Customer is too stupid that he complained us being too technical
  • Customer demanded something impossible

No only that, the Queen-Leader has been stomping on my detail and keep saying that I should do this & that. Fuminari keep shaking his head while I was plummelled to a pulp. It's a good day to die indeed...


At 3:11 PM, Blogger KEF said...

So how did presentation go? 

At 5:10 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

from the description in the blog, a disaster ler...
betui ar?? 

At 6:10 PM, Blogger zgirl said...

My friend is working in a hospital. So, she got lots of complaints from patient - too slow in dispensing, etc, etc.
What my friend did was, during one of her trip to Genting Highlands .... she started writing her complains about the hotel in the Genting feedback form.
She said, that's the only time she can complain about someone. 

At 6:16 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Well, she still beating me down for godforsaken reason... 

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