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Wednesday, September 01, 2004

 Lunch Opus

I had another lousy day where I went out the lunch only to come back to find that I've forgotten to log out. What a stupid honest mistake escalate to my Queen-Leader. And guess what she has in mind: "Please tell me what you are going to do about it." This is a total degenerate. Heck, I can become a leader like her and ask my men if they can do anything about it if they encounter a problem.

Queen Leader is one control-freak which has no idea to her surrounding only does everything by the book. By the book my ass! She wants to know everything there is to know and yet she doesn't have the brain-power to process the information that has been handed to her. I sometimes wonder why a person like her was left in charge of such a great team.

Since the morning stomping, I survived. I suddenly realized she told a lot of bullshit to the new agents too. Too bad I'm a nobody to tell her such things. *sigh* Life's just like that...


At 9:02 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

it's not a problem having a female boss, just that this one doesn't have what it takes to be a leader. I used to have another female boss, and she's super. All of us called her tai-kar-cheh (big sister). Anand (Ashotiwoth) & Fuminari are my colleagues and they do have this link to the blog! :) 

At 10:40 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

tai-kar-cheh? is it the same one that is my team leader now ? :D if yes, she's superb!! 

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Well, we're working second to Hell. It'll take time to relate to that... 

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