My words are my thoughts and I'm a pessimist person who just thinks that Murphy's Law is what defines me. I believe that anything bad that has ever happened will continue to do so. So, if anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway...


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Thursday, October 07, 2004

 Wrong Option Customers

Anand came by my place sometimes and as I took up a call. As customer muttered only a few sentences, I pulled Anand back because I know that the customers has pushed the wrong option. How do I know this?

Well from a few symptoms:

1. Customer was too eager to talk: "Ah? Technical Support ar? Hallo? Hallo?"
2. Customer speak Mandarin/Cantonese: "Can you speak Mandarin?"
3. Customer explained their problem first: "My cat ate the mouse..."
4. The way they mumbled: "My $^&#@&& got #@*)&& and &(*&)($@#$..."
5. They're desperate: "I want engineer now!"

I managed to circle up the customer call, then round them up in the List of Stupids. Compare the number to the total call of the customer calling to the correct queue. I was amazed at the result. The number will be always 1.618, which is always known as the Golden Proportion. The number 1.618 has always used show the testament of building block of our universe. How so? Well, go search it out in Google or let me explain another time...


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